Smoking Ban Petitions Turned In: Special Election Likely

Opponents of the recently passed smoking ban, comprising mainly of bar workers, have submitted nearly 2,000 signatures to have the controversial smoking ban put to a public vote. The amount of signatures submitted is more than twice the required number of valid signatures needed.

Since the petitions were not submitted before the deadline to get the issue on the November ballot, a special election to determine the results is expected, provided enough petitions are deemed valid. If the issue does go to public vote, the planned November 1 deadline for the extended smoking ban will be delayed until that time.

As a strong opponent of the involuntary smoking ban, I applaud the efforts taken by this group to put this issue to a public vote. Such a highly controversial issue that affects this many people on both sides should always go to a public vote, in my opinion.

No matter what the outcome, at least those on both sides of this issue can be given a chance to truly have their voices heard.